Cancer Terms

B-TFIID Subunit Gene

Cancer Terms -> Gene -> Transcription Factor Gene -> Basal Transcription Factor Gene -> B-TFIID Subunit Gene

B-TFIID Subunit Gene Definition

Initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II requires the assistance of TATA box-binding protein (TBP) and TBP-associated factors, or TAFs, in 2 distinct complexes, TFIID and B-TFIID. The majority of TBP is present in the B-TFIID complex, which is composed of TBP and BTAF1. Stable association of TBP and BTAF1 requires the presence of DNA. BTAF1 inhibits TBP-driven RNA polymerase II and III transcription by driving the dissociation of TBP from DNA and freeing the TBP to associate with other TATA boxes or TATA-less promoters. (from OMIM 605191, LocusID 9044)

B-TFIID Subunit Gene Synonyms

B-TFIID Subunit Gene

Terms in B-TFIID Subunit Gene category

BTAF1 Gene

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