Cancer Terms

Bacitracin Zinc

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Anti-Infective Agent -> Antibiotic -> Bacitracin Zinc

Bacitracin Zinc Definition

The zinc salt form of bacitracin, a complex of cyclic polypeptide antibiotics, mainly bacitracin A, produced by spore-forming organisms belonging to the licheniformin group of the Bacillus subtilis with antibacterial activity. Bacitracin zinc binds to C55-isoprenyl pyrophosphate, a biphosphate lipid transport molecule that carries the building blocks of the peptidoglycan bacterial cell wall, thereby interfering with the enzymatic dephosphorylation of the C55-isoprenyl pyrophosphate and preventing peptidoglycan synthesis which leads to cell lysis.

Bacitracin Zinc Synonyms

Bacitracin Zinc, BACITRACIN ZINC, Ziba-Rx

Terms in Bacitracin Zinc category

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