Cancer Terms

Belladona Phenobarbital Ergotamine

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Combination Medication -> Belladona Phenobarbital Ergotamine

Belladona Phenobarbital Ergotamine Definition

Used to relieve stomach/intestinal symptoms, menopause (hot flashes, sweats, restlessness, and insomnia), headaches, and tachycardia, Belladona Phenobarbital Ergotamine is a combination of an Atropa belladonna alkaloid, a Claviceps purpurea (Ergotamine) alkaloid, and a synthetic barbiturate. Parasympathomimetic Belladona decreases secretion, smooth muscle stimulant Ergotamine blocks alpha-adrenergic activity, and sedative Phenobarbital induces sleep. (NCI04)

Belladona Phenobarbital Ergotamine Synonyms

Belladonna/Phenobarbital/Ergotamine, Belladonna/Phenobarb/Ergotamine, Bellergal-S

Terms in Belladona Phenobarbital Ergotamine category

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