Cancer Terms

CDK2-Associated Protein-1

Cancer Terms -> Gene Product -> Protein -> Protein Organized by Function -> Regulatory Protein -> Cell Cycle Protein -> Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor -> CDK2-Associated Protein-1

CDK2-Associated Protein-1 Definition

CDK2-Associated Protein 1, encoded by the CDK2AP1 gene, is a specific CDK2-associated protein that negatively regulates CDK2 activity by sequestering monomeric CDK2, and targeting CDK2 for proteolysis. This protein also interacts with DNA polymerase alpha/primase and promotes the phosphorylation of the large p180 subunit, which suggests the regulatory role in DNA replication during S phase of the cell cycle. Reduction of CDK2AP1 protein expression is a frequent event in oral cancers and is a negative prognostic indicator in patients with surgically resected oral squamous cell carcinoma. Loss of CDK2AP1 protein expression may contribute to the multistep nature of oral carcinogenesis. (From LocusLink, PubMed and NCI)

CDK2-Associated Protein-1 Synonyms

CDK2-Associated Protein 1, CDK2AP1, CDKAP1, Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2-Associated Protein 1, DOC-1, DOC1, Deleted In Oral Cancer-1, Deleted in Oral Cancer 1

Terms in CDK2-Associated Protein-1 category

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