Cancer Terms

Citrated Caffeine

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Agent Affecting Nervous System -> CNS Stimulant -> Citrated Caffeine

Citrated Caffeine Definition

Commercial citrate of caffeine, though not a definite salt. It is the alkaloid caffeine, with a portion of adherent citric acid, as indicated by its pharmacopoeial name (citrated caffeine). Its general action and uses are the same as those given under caffeine. Caffeine citrate is used chiefly as a remedy for the idiopathic headache (migraine). This salt is very soluble in water, and is assimilated much more readily than pure caffeine when taken into the stomach. (NCI04)

Citrated Caffeine Synonyms

Caffeine Citrate, CAFFEINE CITRATE, Caffeina Citrata, Citrated Caffeine

Terms in Citrated Caffeine category

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