Cancer Terms

Cough and Cold Preparation

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Combination Medication -> Cough and Cold Preparation

Cough and Cold Preparation Definition

Synthetic compounds or mixtures that usually contain a combination of any of the following agents depending on the symptoms that need to be treated: an antitussive, a decongestant, an antihistamine, an analgesic antipyretic, an expectorant and/or an anticholinergic agent. A cough and cold preparation is usually administered orally to relieve symptoms of the cold, flu or allergy, such as cough, congestion, itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sore throat and fever.

Cough and Cold Preparation Synonyms

Cough and Cold Preparation

Terms in Cough and Cold Preparation category

Acetaminophen Diphenhydramine
DuraVent DA
Guaifenesin Codeine
Guaifenisin Pseudoephedrine
Loratadine Pseudoephedrine
Phenylephedrine Phenylpropanolamine Guaifenesin
Sinucleanse Kit
Triaminic AM Cough and Decongestant
Triaminic AM Decongestant
Triaminic Cold
Triaminic Cold and Allergy
Triaminic DM Syrup
Triaminic Night Time
Triaminic Syrup
Tylenol Sinus

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