Cancer Terms


Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Agent Affecting Nervous System -> Adrenergic Agent -> Dobutamine

Dobutamine Definition

A synthetic catecholamine with sympathomimetic activity. Dobutamine is a direct-acting inotropic agent and an adrenergic agonist that stimulates primarily the beta-1 adrenoceptor, with lesser effect on beta-2 or alpha receptors. Via beta-1 adrenoceptor of the heart, this agent induces positive inotropic effect with minimal changes in chronotropic activities or systemic vascular resistance. Dobutamine also causes vasodilation by stimulating beta-2 adrenergic receptors in blood vessels, augmented by reflex vasoconstriction resulting in increased cardiac output.

Dobutamine Synonyms

Dobutamine, DOBUTAMINE

Terms in Dobutamine category

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