Cancer Terms

E3 Ubiquitin-protein Ligase NEDD4 Protein

Cancer Terms -> Gene Product -> Protein -> Protein Organized by Function -> Enzyme -> Ligase -> E3 Ubiquitin Ligase -> E3 Ubiquitin-protein Ligase NEDD4 Protein

E3 Ubiquitin-protein Ligase NEDD4 Protein Definition

E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4 protein (1000 aa, ~115 kDa) is encoded by the human NEDD4 gene. This protein is involved in the transfer of ubiquitin to target proteins and may play a role in virion budding from infected cells and tumor suppression.

E3 Ubiquitin-protein Ligase NEDD4 Protein Synonyms

E3 Ubiquitin-protein Ligase NEDD4 Protein, E3 Ubiquitin-protein Ligase NEDD4

Terms in E3 Ubiquitin-protein Ligase NEDD4 Protein category

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