Cancer Terms

ESO-1 Reactive Autologous Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Biological Agent -> Autologous Lymphocytes -> ESO-1 Reactive Autologous Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte

ESO-1 Reactive Autologous Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte Definition

Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) isolated from a patient, exposed to the tumor-associated protein ESO-1 in vitro, and then transferred back to the same patient to target tumor cells expressing ESO-1. ESO-1 is a human self-antigen expressed by melanomas. The ESO-1 gene encodes several MHC class I- and MHC class II-restricted epitopes which may activate cytotoxic T-cell-mediated tumor destruction. (NCI04)

ESO-1 Reactive Autologous Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte Synonyms

ESO-1 Reactive Autologous Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte

Terms in ESO-1 Reactive Autologous Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte category

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