Cancer Terms

Endotracheal Route of Drug Administration

Cancer Terms -> Conceptual Entities -> Route -> Drug Route of Administration -> Endotracheal Route of Drug Administration

Endotracheal Route of Drug Administration Definition

Endotracheal drug administration involves the introduction of the agent directly through the endotracheal tube in an intubated patient. Generally this route is considered as a last resort for drug administration, and provides a fast, effective means of drug delivery in a patient who requires immediate medication. Plasma levels obtained via endotracheal administration are considerably less than those obtained with an equal dosage administered intravenously or intraosseously. Endotracheal administration must be followed by hyper-insufflation of the lungs to promote optimal drug absorption.

Endotracheal Route of Drug Administration Synonyms

Endotracheal Route of Administration, E-TRACHE, ENDOTRACHEAL, ET, Intratracheal, Intratracheal Route of Administration

Terms in Endotracheal Route of Drug Administration category

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