Cancer Terms

Epidural Route of Drug Administration

Cancer Terms -> Conceptual Entities -> Route -> Drug Route of Administration -> Parenteral Route of Drug Administration -> Epidural Route of Drug Administration

Epidural Route of Drug Administration Definition

Administration of the drug in the epidural space, usually at the lumbar level of the spine. The drug must initially cross the dura mater before exerting its effect on the nervous system components. The drug is also subject to uptake into the rich epidural plexus of veins. Uptake and distribution after epidural administration resembles that seen after intramuscular injection. The portion of drug that is not taken into the vascular compartment is available to cross the dura. Hydrophilicity is a major component in the pharmacokinetics of drug transfer into the subdural space.

Epidural Route of Drug Administration Synonyms

Epidural Route of Administration, EPIDUR, EPIDURAL, Epidural

Terms in Epidural Route of Drug Administration category

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