Cancer Terms

Intrabiliary Route of Drug Administration

Cancer Terms -> Conceptual Entities -> Route -> Drug Route of Administration -> Parenteral Route of Drug Administration -> Intrabiliary Route of Drug Administration

Intrabiliary Route of Drug Administration Definition

Administration within the biliary system for selective delivery of the agent to targeted hepatobiliary tissues and cell types, the goal of which is utilization of optimal therapeutic dosages combined with a reduction in systemic toxicity. Strategies for improving the tissue specificity include the use of tissue-specific ligands and the focal administration of drugs. Focal delivery has been primarily directed at uptake by the hepatocyte basolateral membrane and has included direct intraparenchymal injection, portal venous infusion, hepatic arterial infusion, and surgical systems for temporarily isolating the liver from the vasculature.

Intrabiliary Route of Drug Administration Synonyms

Intrabiliary Route of Administration, I-BILI, INTRABILIARY, Intrabiliary

Terms in Intrabiliary Route of Drug Administration category

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