Cancer Terms

Mitotic Enzyme Modulator

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Antineoplastic Agent -> Antimitotic Agent -> Mitotic Enzyme Modulator

Mitotic Enzyme Modulator Definition

A class of compounds that modulate the activity of mitotic enzymes. Mitotic enzymes regulate various mitotic events including centrosome separation, mitotic spindle assembly, chromosome alignment, phosphorylation of tubulin and cell-cycle regulators, and interaction with mitotic kinesins; other roles include facilitating the progression through and the exit from mitosis as well as regulating cytokinesis. Agents that modulate the activity of mitotic enzymes, specifically those that inhibit cytokinesis, may produce an anti-mitotic effect resulting from the aberrant formation of abnormal or polyploid cells and their subsequent exit from mitosis, which triggers apoptosis-an effect unrelated to the classical mitotic arrest described with other anti-mitotic compounds.

Mitotic Enzyme Modulator Synonyms

Mitotic Enzyme Modulator

Terms in Mitotic Enzyme Modulator category

BI 2536

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