Cancer Terms

Morphologic Finding

Cancer Terms -> Diseases Disorders and Findings -> Finding -> Microscopic Finding -> Morphologic Finding

Morphologic Finding Definition

Morphologic Finding Synonyms

Morphologic Finding

Terms in Morphologic Finding category

Abnormal Cells Present
Abnormal Eosinophilic Granules Present
Abnormal Tissue Present
Absence of Basal Cell Layer
Absence of Invasion
Absence of Invasion or Limited Invasion Present
Absense of Malignant Features
Abundance of Small Lymphocytes
Abundant Intracytoplasmic Lipofuscin Present
Aggregates of Poorly Differentiated Neuroepithelial Cells Present
Apple Green Dichromism Present in Polarized Congo-Red Stained Sections
Architectural Distortion
Arias-Stella Reaction
Asbestos Body
Aschoff Body
Atypical Mitotic Figures
Auer Rods Present
Bid-Like Elastic Fiber
Bile Pigment Present
Call Exner Body
Capsular Invasion
Cast Formation
Cellular Infiltrate
Cellular Pleomorphism
Cellular Pseudostratification
Cellular Stratification
Cementum Formation
Clear Perinuclear Halo Present
Coarse Azurophilic Granules Present
Collagen Bundles Formation
Corpora Amylacea
Crohns Disease-like Reaction
Cystic Changes
Cytoplasmic Eosinophilic Globules Present
Cytoplasmic Hyaline Globules Present
Cytoplasmic Protrusions Present
Decidual Reaction
Deep Tissue Invasion
Dense Intercellular Reticulin Network Present
Dentin Formation
Distortion of the Hair Follicle
Enamel Formation
Endophytic Tumor Growth
Eosinophilic Granular Bodies Present
Epineurial Invasion
Excellent Tissue Fixation with Well Preserved Nuclear Details
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
Fair Tissue Fixation with Definable Architectural Characteristics
Fat Necrosis
Fatty Change
Fleurette Formation
Focal Podocyte Injury
Follicular Structures Present
Fried-Egg Appearance of the Bone Marrow
Ganglion Cell-Like Elements Present
Ganglion Cells Present
Germinal Centers with Prominent Hyalinized Vessels Present
Globular Hyaline Body
Glomerular Basement Membrane Spikes Present
Glomerular Basement Membrane Wrinkling
Glycogen-Rich Component Present
Good Tissue Fixation with Definable Cellular Details
Heinz Body
Hemorrhagic Change
Hemorrhagic Neuroblastic Nodules Present
Hydropic Change
Hypersegmented Neutrophils Present
Hypocellular Tissue
Inclusion-Like Nucleoli
Inconspicuous Syncytiotrophoblastic Cell Component
Increased Cellularity Present
Infiltrating Tumor Margins Present
Intracellular Accumulation of Lipids
Intracytoplasmic Eosinophilic Inclusion
Intraepithelial Lymphocytosis
Intraluminal Masses of Mucin Present
Intramucosal Eosinophils Present
Keratin Present
Large Spaces Filled with Blood Present
Lobular Cancerization
Low Cellularity Present
Lymphoepithelial Lesion Present
Mallory Body
Maturation Asynchrony Present
Megaloblastoid Changes Present
Melanin-Forming Neuroepithelial Cells Present
Melanin Pigment Present
Melanosomes Present
Metaplasia of Malignant Cells Present
Metaplastic Bone Formation
Michaelis-Gutmann Body
Micrometastasis Finding
Minimal Invasion Present
Mitotic Activity
Mitotic Figure
Morphologic Architectural Pattern
Morphologic Overlap
Mucin Depletion
Mucinous Degeneration
Necrotic Change
Neoplastic Bone Formation
Neoplastic Small Cleaved Follicle Center Cells not Present
Neuropil Present
Neurosecretory Granule
Neutral Epithelial Mucin Present
Nodular Reticulin-Free Zones Present
Nuclear Clearing
Nuclear Grooves
Nuclear Inclusion
Nuclear Molding
Nuclear Palisading
Nuclear Pleomorphism
Nuclei of Various Sizes and Shapes Present
Onion-Skinning Appearance
Osteoblastic Rimming Present
Osteoclastic Activity Present
Paget Involvement
Paracortical Involvement with Residual Follicles Present
Pautrier-like Microabscess Present
Pautrier Microabscess Present
Peribronchial and Lobular Septal Involvement Only
Perineural Invasion
Polarization of Nuclei towards the Glandular Lumen
Poor Tissue Fixation with No Definable Features
Premalignant Change
Preserved Nuclear Polarity
Progressive Transformation of Germinal Centers
Proliferation of Follicular Dendritic Cells Present
Prominent Keratin Formation
Prostatic Crystalloids Present
Pseudo-Onion Bulbs Formation
Pseudoangiomatoid Space Formation
Pseudostratified Tumor Cells Present
Pushing Tumor Margins Present
Reactive Germinal Centers Present
Red Blood Cells Extravasation
Regenerative Epithelium Present
Rimming of Adipose Tissue Cells Present
Rosenthal Fibers Present
Rosette Formation
Russell Body
Sarcomatoid Features
Schiller-Duval Body
Single Cell Exocytosis
Single Malignant Cells Present
Sinusoidal Infiltration
Sparsely Cellular Collagenised Areas Present
Squamoid Corpuscle
Stary Sky Pattern
Stellate Configuration
Stromal Invasion
Subepithelial Infiltration
Thinning of Tissue
Tissue Degeneration
Tissue Differentiation
Tubule Formation
Vascular Morphologic Change
Vater-Pacini Corpuscles-like Structures Present
Verocay Body
Villous Atrophy
Villous Lymphocytes not Present
Viral Inclusions Present
Wide Vessel-Like Spaces Formation
Windblown Appearance of Atypical Keratinocytes

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