Cancer Terms

Neutrophil Engraftment

Cancer Terms -> Diseases Disorders and Findings -> Finding -> Finding by Site or System -> Hematopoietic System Finding -> Neutrophil Engraftment

Neutrophil Engraftment Definition

An absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of 500 or more (500 or more neutrophils in a cubic millimeter of blood) for 3 days in a row is a sign of engraftment. Neutrophil engraftment can occur as early as 10 days after transplant. About 20 days is more common for patients who receive marrow or peripheral (circulating) blood cells. For patients who receive cord blood, the average time to neutrophil engraftment is between 21 and 35 days.

Neutrophil Engraftment Synonyms

Neutrophil Engraftment

Terms in Neutrophil Engraftment category

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