Cancer Terms

Oral Route of Drug administration

Cancer Terms -> Conceptual Entities -> Route -> Drug Route of Administration -> Oral Route of Drug administration

Oral Route of Drug administration Definition

The introduction of a substance to the mouth or into the gastrointestinal tract by the way of the mouth, usually for systemic action. It is the most common, convenient, and usually the safest and least expensive route of drug administration, but it uses the most complicated pathway to the tissues and bioavailability varies. The disadvantages of method are hepatic first pass metabolism and enzymatic degradation of the drug within the gastrointestinal tract. This prohibits oral administration of certain classes of drugs especially peptides and proteins.

Oral Route of Drug administration Synonyms

Oral Route of Administration, ORAL, Oral, Orally, PO, Per Os

Terms in Oral Route of Drug administration category

Buccal Route of Drug Administration
Oromucosal Route of Administration
Oropharyngeal Route of Drug Administration
Sublingual Route of Drug Administration
Swish and Swallow Route of Drug Administration

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