Cancer Terms


Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Biological Agent -> Monoclonal Antibody -> Palivizumab

Palivizumab Definition

A humanized monoclonal antibody against the fusion protein (F protein) of human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), with prophylactic application in respiratory syncytial virus infections. RSV F protein, a small envelop glycoprotein, is not only required for cytopathic syncytia resulting from cell-to-cell fusion, but is also necessary for viral spreading and evading neutralizing antibody. Palivizumab neutralizes and inhibits fusion activity of RSV, thereby preventing syncytia formation. Administration of this antibody does not interfere with other immunizations.

Palivizumab Synonyms

Palivizumab, MEDI 493, PALIVIZUMAB, Synagis

Terms in Palivizumab category

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