Cancer Terms

Pyrilamine Pamabrom Acetaminophen

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Combination Medication -> Analgesic Preparation -> Pyrilamine Pamabrom Acetaminophen

Pyrilamine Pamabrom Acetaminophen Definition

A combination preparation containing pyrilamine, pamabron and acetaminophen. Pyrilamine is an ethylenediamine antihistamine that blocks H1 receptors and exerts local anesthetic, sedative and mild analgesic activity. Pamabrom, a xanthine derivate, is a mild diuretic that helps the body to excrete excess fluid. Acetaminophen possesses analgesic and antipyretic effects. This preparation is used for the relief of premenstrual and menstrual symptoms.

Pyrilamine Pamabrom Acetaminophen Synonyms

Pyrilamine/Pamabrom/Acetaminophen, Midol PMS, Pamprin PMS, Premsyn PMS

Terms in Pyrilamine Pamabrom Acetaminophen category

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