Cancer Terms

RevM10 gene-polAS gene

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Biological Agent -> Transduction Gene -> RevM10 gene-polAS gene

RevM10 gene-polAS gene Definition

Retroviral based anti-HIV-1 transduction construct. RevM10, a dominant negative mutant of the HIV-1 Rev gene, abolishes the wild-type Rev function and inhibits viral replication in HIV-infected T cell lines and primary T cells in vivo. PolAS is an antisense RNA complementary to human HIV-1 pol gene and is capable of interfering with HIV polymerase gene expression. Co-administration of both gene constructs allows high efficiency in blocking propagation of HIV.

RevM10 gene-polAS gene Synonyms

RevM10 gene/polAS gene

Terms in RevM10 gene-polAS gene category

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