Cancer Terms

Sequence-Ready Maps

Cancer Terms -> NCI Administrative Concepts -> Research Resources -> Information Resources -> Physical Map of the Human Genome -> Sequence-Ready Maps

Sequence-Ready Maps Definition

A physical map of a genome that provides the necessary templates for large-scale sequencing. A sequence-ready map must meet the following criteria. (1) It must be composed of clones that are efficient sequencing templates. (2) It must be assembled using a method that examines the entire cloned insert such as restriction digest fingerprinting. (3) The contig must have sufficient depth to allow the validation of the selected clones in the face of restriction pattern inconsistencies. In addition, increased contig depth will allow the selection of a more efficient minimal tiling path. A uniform depth of 6- to 10-fold coverage is recommended. (4) For large-scale projects, as large a contig as possible should be constructed in advance of selecting the minimal tiling path to avoid future closure problems.

Sequence-Ready Maps Synonyms

Sequence-Ready Map

Terms in Sequence-Ready Maps category

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