Cancer Terms

Signal Transduction Protein-CBLB

Cancer Terms -> Gene Product -> Protein -> Protein Organized by Function -> Enzyme -> Ligase -> E3 Ubiquitin Ligase -> Signal Transduction Protein-CBLB

Signal Transduction Protein-CBLB Definition

Cass-Br-M (Murine) Ecotropic Retroviral Transforming Sequence B (CBLB), encoded by the CALB gene, is a member of the CBL family of E3 ubiquitin ligases, which are critical negative regulators of tyrosine kinase signaling pathways in the immune system. Impairment of the CBLB signaling pathway may contribute to human autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes. CBLB contains putative nuclear localization signal, zinc finger, leucine zipper, and proline-rich domains. It associates with three SH3 domain proteins FYN, FGR, and PLCG1. Three isoforms (a long form, truncated isoform 1, truncated isoform 2) are produced by alternative splicing. (From OMIM, PMID and NCI)

Signal Transduction Protein-CBLB Synonyms

Signal Transduction Protein CBLB, CBLB

Terms in Signal Transduction Protein-CBLB category

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