Cancer Terms

T-Cell Receptor-T3 Eta Chain

Cancer Terms -> Gene Product -> Protein -> Protein Complex Subunit -> T-Cell Receptor-T3 Eta Chain

T-Cell Receptor-T3 Eta Chain Definition

Encoded as alternative isoforms by T-cell specific human CD3Z Gene (CD3Z/FCER1G Family), conserved nonglycosylated T-Cell Receptor-T3 Eta Chain is a cell surface type I membrane protein containing 3 ITAM domains and a subunit of the CD3 complex (CD3D, CD3E, CD3G, CD3Zeta/Eta) noncovalently associated with disulfide bound alpha/beta and gamma/delta TCR. CD3-zeta forms disulfide-linked homodimers or heterodimers with CD3-eta, couples antigen recognition to signal transduction pathways, and may be associated with the cytoskeleton. CD3Z interacts with SLA, SLA2, and DOCK2. Enhancing T-cell antigen sensitivity, accessory protein CD4 binds to MHC II molecules and to LCK, which phosphorylates CD3Z. CD3 plays a role in the transition of immature thymocytes to mature CD4+ or CD8+ T cells. Following TCR engagement, CD3 activity leads to T-cell activation. (NCI)

T-Cell Receptor-T3 Eta Chain Synonyms

T-Cell Receptor T3 Eta Chain

Terms in T-Cell Receptor-T3 Eta Chain category

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