Cancer Terms

Tc 94m Sestamibi

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Radiopharmaceutical Compound -> Radioconjugate -> Tc 94m Sestamibi

Tc 94m Sestamibi Definition

A radioconjugate consisting of sestamibi labeled with the positron-emitting isotope Tc 94m. Sestamibi is a synthetic molecule of the isonitrile family that diffuses through cell membranes and may preferentially accumulate within mitochondria. Technetium Tc 94m sestamibi may be used in tumor-imaging studies utilizing positron emission tomography (PET). (NCI05)

Tc 94m Sestamibi Synonyms

Technetium Tc 94m Sestamibi

Terms in Tc 94m Sestamibi category

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