Cancer Terms

Therapeutic Hemin

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Enzyme Inhibitor -> Therapeutic Hemin

Therapeutic Hemin Definition

A sterile, lyophilized powder of hemin, the Fe3+ oxidation product of heme (Fe2+), derived from processed red blood cells. Therapeutic hemin appears to inhibit delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthetase, a rate-limiting enzyme in the porphyrin/heme biosynthetic pathway, resulting in inhibition of the hepatic and/or marrow synthesis of porphyrin precursors. The mechanism by which therapeutic hematin produces symptomatic improvement in patients with acute episodes of the hepatic porphyrias has not been determined.

Therapeutic Hemin Synonyms

Therapeutic Hemin, Hematin for Injection, Hemin for Injection, Panhematin

Terms in Therapeutic Hemin category

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