Cancer Terms

Wall of Body of Uterus

Cancer Terms -> Anatomic Structure System or Substance -> Body Part -> Reproductive System Part -> Female Reproductive System Part -> Wall of Body of Uterus

Wall of Body of Uterus Definition

Wall of body of uterus is composed of three layers: endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium. Endometrium is the inner mucosal layer lining and is covered with columnar epithelium and tubular glands. Myometrium is a thick, muscular layer, consisting largely of bundles of smooth muscle fibers arranged in longitudinal, circular, and spiral patterns, and interlaced with connective tissue. Perimetrium is the outer layer composed of the peritoneal layer of the broad ligament that covers the body of the uterus and part of the cervix.

Wall of Body of Uterus Synonyms

Wall of Body of Uterus

Terms in Wall of Body of Uterus category

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