Cancer Terms

sn-1 2-Didecanoylglycerol

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Chemical Modifier -> Tumor Promoter -> sn-1 2-Didecanoylglycerol

sn-1 2-Didecanoylglycerol Definition

A synthetic lipid second messenger. As an analog of the second messenger diacylglycerol, sn-1,2-didecanoylglycerol substitutes for diacylglycerol in the cascade of calcium and phospholipid dependent PKC activation. Topical application of this agent results in a striking inflammatory response characterized by edema, extensive epidermal infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages, intraepidermal microabscesses. sn-1,2-Didecanoylglycerol is used as a tumor promoter in experimental animal models of skin cancer due to its stimulation of epidermal protein kinase C activity. (NCI04)

sn-1 2-Didecanoylglycerol Synonyms

sn-1,2-Didecanoylglycerol, DiC10

Terms in sn-1 2-Didecanoylglycerol category

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