Cancer Terms

Abnormal Cells Present

Cancer Terms -> Diseases Disorders and Findings -> Finding -> Microscopic Finding -> Morphologic Finding -> Abnormal Cells Present

Abnormal Cells Present Definition

Abnormal Cells Present Synonyms

Abnormal Cells Present

Terms in Abnormal Cells Present category

Clusters and Cords of GFAP Positive Epithelioid Tumor Cells Present
Confluent Sheets of Anaplastic T-Lymphocytes Present
Confluent Sheets of Neoplastic B-Lymphocytes Present
Differentiating Neuroblasts Present
Fascicles of Spindly Tumor Cells Present
Intersecting Sharply Marginated Clusters of Spindle Cells Present
Malignant Epithelial Cells with Abundant Clear Cytoplasm Containing Glycogen Present
Malignant Epithelial Cells with Abundant Cytoplasmic Neutral Lipids Present
Melanoma Cells Present
Nucleated Red Blood Cell Present
Scattered Collections of Differentiating Neuroblasts Present
Shadow Cells Present
Sheets of Interfollicular Plasma Cells Present
Vacuolated Plasma Cells in the Bone Marrow

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