Cancer Terms

Phenylephedrine Phenylpropanolamine Guaifenesin

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Combination Medication -> Cough and Cold Preparation -> Phenylephedrine Phenylpropanolamine Guaifenesin

Phenylephedrine Phenylpropanolamine Guaifenesin Definition

A combination preparation containing phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine and guaifenesin with decongestant and expectorant activities. Phenylephrine and phenylpropanolamine, direct-acting sympathicomimetic amines, activate alpha-adrenergic receptors in the nasal mucosa thereby causing vasoconstriction, reduces swelling of nasal mucous membranes and decreasing nasal and sinus congestion. Phenylpropanolamine also releases norepinephrine from its storage sites resulting in the effects already described. Guaifenesin increases respiratory tract mucus secretions and reduces the viscosity of mucus secretion by reducing adhesiveness and surface tension as well as increasing hydration of mucus, thereby increasing the efficiency of removing accumulated secretions from the upper and lower airways and making cough more productive.

Phenylephedrine Phenylpropanolamine Guaifenesin Synonyms


Terms in Phenylephedrine Phenylpropanolamine Guaifenesin category

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